Beekeeping in Tanzania is closely associated with many other natural resource development concerns, all which have direct bearing on community and social welfare.

In the first  place, beekeeping is seen as a branch of Agriculture and livestock development. It is concerned with the production of food in the form of honey and pollen and of cashcrops in the form of beeswax with the potential for producing propolis, royal jelly and bee venom which have become important raw materials in the industrialized countries. the pollination services provided by honey bees to some cultivated crops are of particular importance to horticultural activities, whose success greatly depends on the use of pesticides to control plant and animal pests. The pest control measures must take into consideration the presence of honeybees, the use of pesticides must be regulated and management methods for beekeeping industry  as a whole need to altered.

Secondly, Beekeeping in Tanzania is a forest industry, a fact which is demonstrated by the activities of beekeepers. The feral bees are common in the forests  and the honey hunters must go there to obtain honey and beeswax. In a forest where beekeepers have established apiaries they ensure that no bush fires are set on these areas to protect their colonies. Sometimes thy may put fire breaks to protect their apiaries from bush fires. In doing so this area is ultimately conserved.

Thirdly, there are also some relationships between beekeeping and wildlife management. Bees like many other invertebrate animals, enjoy the protection accorded to all veterbrate animals in game reserves and national parks.

Fourthly water is an important resource for honeybees. Traditional beekeepers who operate deep in the forest prefer locating their apiaries near rivers and swamps, to ensure a permanent supply of water to the bees. The rivers and swamps may be inhabited by fish which attract fishermen who often camp with beekeepers.

Finally, the forest environment is a healthy on for the beekeepers, who eat well while working , supplementing their diets with honey, bee brood and fish.

It is so important to protect pollinators and promote their role in environmental and agricultural Practices.To do so we have established a project on community Livelihood protection and improvement of environment to mitigate the effects of Global Climate Change.

In this project beekeeping is central.We want to approach Beekeeping as a means for conservation focusing on two components. First is to protect bees as pollinators and promote their role in environmental and agricultural practices while at the same time we increase production and improving bee hive products quality.We have to focus on equipment and management methods suitable for small scale beekeepers in the rural areas.

Secondly, we have to focus on the flora, climate and actions of beekeepers and their value and influence on beekeeping and the environment.

For us beekeeping is a useful conservation approach. As the natural pollinators disappear that is a good sign that our environment is being polluted.


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